Monday, March 8, 2010

"...a bright sunshiney day.."

We opened the windows and doors, washed every pillowcase in the house and hung it on the line outside, unearthed the slide, and got a light tan! What an amazing day! I am so thankful for gifts like these and the ability to enjoy them.

I have been in an interesting flow. Last night was full of overlapping synchronicity which culminated with witnessing a giant ball of flaming blue light streaking across the sky in the east.

The deer herd has been licking seed out of the birdfeeder and they are increasingly unafraid of us watching them through a window 3 feet away. One doe is exceptionally beautiful.... I will try to remember the camera once in awhile.

Jayson almost left without the shopping bags today. Since the One Small Change Project began, I have been impressed with my own deeper commitment. I actually got up to chase him down and hand over the bags. Moving through the heaviness of an early moontime, as well.

As for our March changes, it has been too nice outside to be in the kitchen making salve. I do have a dear friend with an outdoor kitchen. It probably has not been set up for the season yet, but perhaps we could help with that and make salve with a magical woman in a very special place: The Eco-Learning Center. And "silent night" is going to take a bit more coordination with my partner and the work he is doing in preparation for a busy work season, not to mention the business taxes I need to finish. I think there is also a part of me that is resisting the shut-offs, I see it in my words. Seems silly to me because of how much I enjoy the peace, yet it is reality. There is a worried voice inside that wants the cell phone on "just in case." There is the computer calling with communications from dear friends, the radio chanting out news of the world, the very dark bathroom and thoughts about candle safety. Now that I am writing this I am feeling sillier, yet more grounded about it. I can start so easy tonight, with everyone safe at home, and it cold enough to keep our valuable frozen foods frozen (I worked so hard to keep food this year). I need to do it just once, and then it will be simple.

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